Why do people behave in ways that cause environmental harm? Despite not wanting to create environmental problems, we all do so regularly in the course of living our everyday lives. This book looks at how social structures, incentives, information, habits, attitudes, norms, and the inherent characteristics of environmental resources explain and influence how we behave, and how those causes influence what we can do to change behavior.
*Inouye, E. (1961). Similarity and dissimilarity of schizophrenia in twins. In Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Psychiatry (Vol. 1, pp. 524-530). Montreal: University of Toronto Press. Jessor, R. (1992).
Ben shu bang zhu wo men geng hao di li jie sheng huo gong zuo de kong jian shi ru he zuo you wo men de si xiang yu xing wei.
Application and evaluation of strategies to reduce pollution : Behavioral control of littering in a football stadium . Journal of Applied Psychology ... Applied behavioral analysis and the solutions of environmental problems .
This book seeks to investigate the relations between human and more-than-human worlds against the backdrop of the Anthropocene, examining the way in which the Anthropocene offers a framing of collective anthropogenic ecological crises and ...
Este libro servirá como medio de divulgación de los resultados de investigación de los docentes investigadores en el área social, así mismo pretende contribuir con el análisis y abordaje de problemáticas sociales relevantes, siendo ...
Les relations entre l'espace et le comportement humain sont abordées depuis de nombreuses années par une discipline bien spécialisée au sein des sciences humaines : la psychologie de l'environnement.
This work applies psychological theory and research to environmental problems. After outlining environmental difficulties, it shows how principles from the major areas of psychology can be applied to selected environmental problems.
Bringing together leadinging forensic psychologists and drawing on new directions for research, practice and theory, this book explores the inter-relationships between structured programmes and the environment in which these programmes take ...
Das Buch stellt die erste Einführung in eine - am psychoanalytischen Paradigma orientierte - Psychogeographie dar.
From a purely technological point of view the history of simulating reality can be construed as evolutionary process leading from 1D simulation technology (photography) over 2D simulation technology (silent movie – talking film) to 3D ...