This work provides readers with a comprehensive guide to assessing whether a defendant has feigned mental impairment during a competency to stand trial evaluation, or simply did not put forth his/her best effort. This text reviews the literature on assessing feigning and negative response bias, with particular focus on issues, tests and data relevant to CST evaluations, and examines proposed criteria and statistical methods of determining and classifying assessment results.
This book is an ideal first-exposure to competency to stand trial evaluations for graduate students, clinicians who are re-tooling for forensic practice, undergraduates who are getting their "first look" at forensic psychology, as a ...
Of all the different forms of forensic mental health evaluations, the most frequently requested are competency to stand trial evaluations.
This is a handbook for guiding non-lawyers in how to handle mental disability issues in the criminal justice system. The book is written in plain, under-standable language.