Climate change : what's the big deal? -- Business as usual : what are the costs? -- Why do economists like a carbon tax? -- Isn't there a better way? (No, there isn't) -- Cap and trade : the other way to price pollution -- What to do with $200 billion : give it back -- So you want a carbon tax : how do you design it? -- Objections to a carbon tax -- Enacting a carbon tax: how do we get there? -- Afterword : what next? -- References -- Notes
Through a comparative study of the water policies of Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands, Andersen shows how "green taxes", as opposed to administrative regulation, have worked.
Paying for Pollution: Water Quality and Effluent Charges
A number of experts apply economics to the analysis of pollution control in the rapidly industrialising nations of Asia Pacific and conclude that Western criteria have to be modified if used to facilitate such analysis.
This innovative book provides a framework to assist policymakers in the design of transitional assistance measures that are both legally robust and will support the effectiveness of the ETSs whilst limiting negative impacts on international ...
The book first takes a look at the effects of pollution on society and the imbalance of development and protection of the environment.
... control expenditures perfluorocarbon parts per billion Producer Price Index parts per million Prudential Regulation Authority present value quantified emission limitation reduction objective Royal Bank of Scotland Renewable Energy ...
As the Polluter-Pays Principle is a fundamental principle of cost allocation, its analysis covers a substantial part of the vast field of environmental resource allocation.
This book examines changes in public-sector budgets resulting from the Water Pollution Control Act.
Air and Water Pollution Control: A Benefit-cost Assessment
Table 25.1 is the raw LINGO solution report for Example 14.1. The raw report is rearranged in Table 25.2 to show the equations. The Reduced Cost, Slack or Surplus, and Dual Price provide some sensitivity analysis.