Introduction and history of veteran homelessness / Jack Tsai -- Epidemiology of homelessness among veterans / Emily Brignone, Jamison Fargo, and Dennis Culhane -- Mental illness and substance use disorders among homeless veterans / Sonya Gabrielian, Ashton Gore, Lillian Gelberg, and Jack Tsai -- Primary care for homeless veterans / Thomas P. O'Toole -- Supported housing : twenty-five years of the housing and urban development-veterans affairs (HUD-VAS) program / Maria O'Connell and Robert A. Rosenheck -- Criminal justice issues among homeless veterans / Jessica Blue-Howells, Christine Timko, Sean Clark, and Andrea K. Finlay -- Homelessness and money management in military veterans / Eric Elbogen -- Unique considerations for homeless female veterans / Ann Elizabeth Montgomery, Thomas H. Byrne, and Melissa E. Dichter -- Homeless risk among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans / Steve Metraux -- Aging and mortality in homeless veterans / John A. Schinka and Thomas H. Byrne -- Homeless veterans and use of information technology / Keith McInnes and Sarah L. Cutrona
The 2007-2009 recession and the subsequent slow economic recovery also raised concerns that homelessness could increase among all groups, including veterans.
Permanent Supportive Housing focuses on the impact of PSH on health care outcomes and its cost-effectiveness.
This report was requested by VA Central Office and The National Center for Homelessness Among Veterans as part of that effort to identify what is known and what is not known about the prevalence of homelessness among Veterans, and about the ...
Veterans and Homelessness
Approximately 4 million U.S. service members took part in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
This book is the report prepared by a committee of experts who examined these problems through visits to city slums and impoverished rural areas, and through an analysis of papers written by leading scholars in the field.
Hearing on VA's Plan for Ending Homelessness Among Veterans: Hearing Before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate, One...
A National Commitment to End Veterans' Homelessness: Hearing Before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred...
Another study has shown that among US veterans transitioning from prison to community in later life have higher rates ... the Continuum of Care homeless assistance system which is designed to address the issue of homelessness with some ...
In rural areas, by contrast, we are still at the early stages of understanding how to identify and serve homeless people. Indeed, it is only in recent years that the presence of homeless people in rural America has been widely ...