Neuropsychological Evaluation of the Child: Domains, Methods, and Case Studies, Second Edition, is an updated and expanded desk reference that retains the first edition's organizational structure, strong practical focus, and lifespan developmental perspective. It is a unique compilation of published and unpublished pediatric neuropsychological test normative data that contains extensive discussion of assessment methods and case formulation. Added for the first time are instructive clinical case vignettes that explicate brain-behavior relationships in youth, from preschool-age through adolescence. These cases illustrate immediate and late effects that result from common and rare medical diseases and psychological disorders, and highlight key issues that arise when examining a child's maturational trajectory and brain-behavioral relationships using convergence profile analysis. Part I, Child Neuropsychology: Current Status, contains four introductory chapters regarding definitions, education and training, and professional roles; reasons for referral; typical and atypical brain development; and clinical practice considerations. In Part II, Clinical Issues, discussion covers the procedural steps of neuropsychological assessment, behavioral assessment techniques, observational data, and oral and written communication of results. These chapters are followed in Part III, Domains and Tests, by extended coverage of topics and tests related to the major neuropsychological domains: intelligence, executive function, attention and processing speed, language, motor and sensory-perceptual function, visuoperceptual, visuospatial and visuoconstructional function, and learning and memory. A final chapter addresses deception in childhood, reasons why a child might reduce effort and invalidate assessment, and the use of performance validity tests, symptom validity tests, and embedded validity indicators to assess noncredible effort. Each of the 16 chapters includes definitions, theoretical concepts, models, and assessment techniques that are essential knowledge for clinical and research pediatric neuropsychologists.
This volume conveys the purposes, advantages and limitations of neuropsychological assessment in the context of child development and presents cross-disciplinary developments in elaborating brain-behaviour relationships. An historical perspective illustrates how...
This book will answer your questions, whether you are considering having your child undergo a neuropsychological evaluation or you have just completed one and seek more information about the implications of findings.
Divided into three parts, the text begins with clear definitions of the concepts and methodology of brain development in child neuropsychology. Part two examines normal and abnormal functional development.
Pediatric Forensic Neuropsychology is the premier reference text on the practice and process of civil forensic neuropsychological assessment of children and adolescents.
Assessment of executive functions: Review of instruments and identification of critical issues. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23, ... Identifying, assessing, and treating dyslexia at school. NY: Springer. Cohen M. J. (1997).
Thernlund, G., 190 Thomas, C., 251 Thomas, K. E., 364 Thomas, M. J., 379 Thomas, N. G., 381 Thompson, E. H., 368 Thompson, J., 418 Thompson, L. A., 285 Thompson, M., 396, 402 Thompson, W. W., 254 Thomson, J., 418 Thorn, A., ...
Reef, J., Diamantopoulou, S., Meurs, I., Verhulst, F., & Ende, J. (2011). Developmental trajectories of child to adolescent ... Rudolph, K. D., Kurlakowsky, K.D., & Conley, C.S. (2001). Developmental and social–contextual origins of ...
The book makes special note of the contributions of A.R. Luria, from Russia, and Ralph M. Reitan, from the US as the "fathers" of modern neuropsychology to help readers understand current advances in theory and clinical applications ...
Thoroughly covering the "why" and "how" of validity testing with children and adolescents, this book is edited and written by leaders in the field.
This practical guidebook provides a basis for understanding and evaluating the impact of medical conditions on the developing brain. Clinical data and applications are combined with a selected review of...