Though Joseph Smith's run for president is now best remembered for ending in his assassination, the renegade campaign was historic in the proposals it put forward. He called for a total abolition of slavery, the closure of the country's penitentiaries, and the reestablishment of a national bank to stabilize the economy. But most important was Smith's call for an expansion of protections for religious minorities. In a time when the Bill of Rights did not apply toindividual states, Smith called for the federal government to be empowered to protect minorities when states failed to do so. In this book, Spencer W. McBride tells the story of Smith's campaign and how his calls for religious freedom through constitutional reform are essential to understanding how theAmerican political system evolved to what we know today.
In Kingdom of Nauvoo, Benjamin E. Park draws on newly available sources to re-create the founding and destruction of the Mormon city of Nauvoo.
This work brings the Prophet's presidential run to life with timely insights into questions that have hertofore received little attention.
The Mormon Quest for the Presidency
How did they react to Joseph Smith's death while they were out campaigning? What modern-day equivalents would Joseph be likened to? Check out our conversation.
This book uncovers the significant but previously unknown contributions of the electioneers of Joseph Smith's 1844 presidential campaign.
As the Church adds volumes to this series, you will build a collection of gospel reference books for your home. The volumes in this series are designed to be used both for personal study and for quorum and class instruction.
Each chapter in this book includes four sections: (1) an opening quotation that briefly introduces the focus of the chapter; (2) “From the Life of John Taylor,” which illustrates the messages of the chapter with a story or counsel from ...
"Junius and Joseph examines Joseph Smith's nearly forgotten [1844] presidential bid, the events leading up to his assassination on June 27, 1844, and the tangled aftermath of the tragic incident....
Carthage Conspiracy deals with the general problem of Mormon/non-Mormon conflict, as well as with the dramatic story of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, his brother Hyrum, and their alleged assassins.
The Memories of President Joseph Smith III