Over the course of 20 years and eight editions, the goals of the book have remained the same: to prepare students to participate in evaluative activities within their organizations, become beginning critical producers and consumers of the professional evaluative literature, and reap the benefits of more advanced evaluation courses and texts. The authors aim to meet these objectives by presenting a unique approach that is realistic, practical, applied, and user friendly. Unlike other textbooks on the market, Program Evaluation for Social Workers presents both program-level evaluation and case-level evaluation methods; assuming that neither of these two distinct approaches alone adequately reflects the realities of the field, the book demonstrates how they can instead complement each other. This integration of approaches provides an accessible, adaptable, and realistic framework for students and beginning practitioners to more easily grasp and implement in the real world.
This comprehensive book offers the student a readable introduction to human service practice with a specific focus on the generalist model commonly applied in the field.
Women at Work and in Society
Revised edition of the author's Achieving excellence in the management of human service organizations, published by Allyn and Bacon in 2002.
This Learner Guide addresses the competency CHCCOM2B Communicate appropriately with clients and colleagues.
Check with the seller before completing your purchase. This package includes the Enhanced Pearson eText and the bound book A whole-person approach to human problems and social change.
The fifth edition of Social Policy for Effective Practice offers a rich variety of resources and knowledge foundations to help social work students understand and contend with the continually evolving social policy landscape that surrounds ...
Resource added for the Human Services 105203 program and Substance Abuse Counselor Education diploma 315501.
This book challenges stereotypes and describes actionable interventions that can help change the face of poverty for the better.
Sociology and the Condition of the English City
This textbook outlines the types of social work practiced with different segments of society, the various fields of social work, and the particularly difficult problems posed by poverty and substance abuse.