Since the publication of its first edition in 2005,ÂAdvocacy Practice for Social JusticeÂhas served as a clear, comprehensive, and practical resource for social work courses in advocacy, community practice, and macro practice. Now in its fourth edition, this text provides extensive information on the value base for advocacy; an examination of why people get involved in advocacy; and step-by-step instructions for social workers and others who want to impact laws, regulations, and policies at any level. Bearing in mind the National Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics' requirements to advocate on behalf of vulnerable populations, readers learn that advocacy is a problem-solving technique similar to that used in social work practice of all types. The book moves through the stages of advocacy: getting involved; understanding the issue; planning; advocating through education, persuasion, and negotiation; presenting information effectively; monitoring and evaluating results; and integrating advocacy into a social worker's everyday practice. The fourth edition's inclusion of new topics and solid foundation in social work values make it a must-read as social work students and practitioners work diligently to maintain the profession's focus on successful advocacy for social justice.
Advocacy Practice for Social Justice: Third Edition
If you want to empower your students to effect changes in laws, regulations, and other types of policy at all levels, you will find this text the perfect resource to do so.
Written from a practitioner's perspective, this book explores the strategies behind some of the most innovative human rights campaigns of recent years.
Social justice is one of the six core values of the social work profession as defined in the NASW Code of Ethics.
Relevant to many Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) including policy practice, the book is designed for policy foundation courses.
Recognizing the need for increased social justice in the fields of TESOL and English language teaching (ELT) globally, this volume presents a range of international case studies and empirical research to demonstrate how English language ...
By exploring facilitators' application of IGD skills, understanding of social justice, and the challenges inherent in this work, Facilitating Change through Intergroup Dialogue offers concrete strategies for supporting undergraduate ...
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again Includes all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events.
The SAGE Guide to Social Work Careers presents first-hand stories from practitioners to help inform, inspire, and guide students to become advocates for social justice issues.
Comprehensive overview of the theoretical, conceptual, and applied/practical presentations of action research as it is found and conducted solely in educational settings The Wiley Handbook of Action Research in Education is the first book ...