"The Book and the Sword was Louis Cha's first novel, published in 1955. The story has a panoramic sweep which has at its heart a few unbeatable themes: secret societies, kung fu masters, and the sensational rumour so dear to Chinese hearts that the great Manchu Emperor Qian Long was not in fact a Manchu but a Han Chinese, a line of descent that came about as a result of a 'baby swap' on the part of the Chens of Haining in Southern China. It mixes in the exotic flavours of central Asia, a lost city in the desert guarded by wolf packs, and the Fragrant Princess. This lady is an embellishment of an actual historical figure - although whether she actually smelled of flowers, we will never know."--Jacket
长城墙高平均达 7 ~ 8 米,其上可容十人并行,五马并驰。明长城的工程量巨大,远远超过历代,如果将明长城所用的砖石土等修建一道高 5 米厚 1 米的城墙,可绕地球一山上的司马台长城周有余。若将历代修筑的长城累加起来,足够环绕地球十周了。
Rubis aime par-dessus tout suivre l'enseignement du précepteur avec ses frères et ses cousins. Mais la tradition veut qu'elle apprenne à tenir une maison... Quel avenir pour Rubis ? Une belle histoire vraie.
Une jeune princesse chinoise dit au revoir aux mille splendeurs du royaume de son père, qu'elle aime tant.
本书以词为脉络,将李煜的一生用词来贯通起来.李煜精书法,工绘画,通音律,诗文均有一定造诣,尤以词的成就最高.其词继承了晚唐以来温庭筠,韦庄等花间派词人的传统 ...
This booklet describes 28 Chinese historical and literary figures who have contributed a great deal to Chinese culture and remain, to this day, an indispensable part of Chinese modern life.
全书分为三部分,分析我国区域间经济溢出情况,指出发达区域对其他地区的溢出效应小于受溢效应,产业结构优化和完善是提高区域经济实力主要手段;研究了我国经济溢出的机制 ...
作为1930年代初中国最出色的思想者之一, "文学革命家"瞿秋白在借鉴苏俄"文化革命"经验的基础上, 结合中国革命文学实践, 形成了自己的"文化革命思想". ...