This is the third edition of the pioneering work that has become the standard text in the field. The first edition was one of the earliest to establish that the newly-developing international law of human rights could be set down as any other branch of international law. It also incorporates the complementary fields of international humanitarian law and international criminal law, while addressing the problems associated with their interaction with human rights law. The book is more than a descriptive analysis of the field. It acknowledges areas of unclarity or where developments may be embryonic. Solutions are offered. Recent developments have confirmed the value of solutions proposed in this edition and the previous one. Central to most of the chapters is the human rights norm of most salience in the treatment of prisoners, namely, the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The early chapters focus on the period of first detention, when detainees are most at risk of having information or confessions, however unreliable, extracted by unlawful means. Voices contemplating the legitimacy of such treatment to combat terrorism have been heard in the wake of the atrocities of 11 September 2001. The book finds that the evidence clearly suggests that the absolute prohibition of such treatment remains firm. Other chapters deal with problems of poor prison conditions and of certain extraordinary penalties, notably corporal and capital punishment. A chapter explores ethical codes for members of professions capable of inflicting or preventing the prohibited behaviour (police and medical and legal professionals). Chapters are also devoted to the extreme practice of enforced disappearance and the contribution of the new convention on this phenomenon, as well as to extra-legal executions.
These reports have generated a vigorous debate in the U.S. and the United Nations about the legality and morality of such treatments. This book presents recent analyses of these developments.
Its purpose is to ensure that all such prisoners are treated humanely and held in decent conditions, regardless of which side they belong to. The ICRC produced its original Commentary on the Third Convention in 1960.
This handbook discusses the importance of effective prisoner file management, illustrating the consequences of poor or non-existent management. It will be of particular relevance to prison systems that do not...
To promote a better understanding of, and respect for, this body of law, the ICRC commissioned a comprehensive update of its original Commentaries, of which this is the third volume.
These are complemented by a comparative survey of world prison populations and a final chapter in which the editors evaluate developments described in this volume and elsewhere in order to arrive at conclusions about international trends ...
Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power (Economic and Social Council resolution
Torture in international law: a guide to jurisprudence
They protect the wounded and sick on the battlefield, those wounded, sick or shipwrecked at sea, prisoners of war, and civilians in time of war. However, since they were adopted warfare has changed considerably.
This book tackles the complexity of life imprisonment head on by describing how various forms of it are imposed and implemented in the United States of America, in England and Wales and in Germany, as well as in the emerging international ...
This book looks at why international law continues to make the legal distinction between persons who participate in an international or an internal armed conflict and, drawing on considerable legal precedent, legal theory, and the situation ...