Alan Turing has long proved a subject of fascination, but following the centenary of his birth in 2012, the code-breaker, computer pioneer, mathematician (and much more) has become even more celebrated with much media coverage, and several meetings, conferences and books raising public awareness of Turing's life and work. This volume will bring together contributions from some of the leading experts on Alan Turing to create a comprehensive guide to Turing that will serve as a useful resource for researchers in the area as well as the increasingly interested general reader. The book will cover aspects of Turing's life and the wide range of his intellectual activities, including mathematics, code-breaking, computer science, logic, artificial intelligence and mathematical biology, as well as his subsequent influence.
In this volume for the first time his key writings are made available to a broad, non-specialist readership.
Quantum Computers: the Church-Turing Hypothesis Versus the Turing Principle Christopher G. Timpson” The Queen's College, University of Oxford Summary. Following the development of quantum computers, a question has arisen regarding the ...
" The writings collected by Stuart Shieber for this book examine the profound philosophical issues surrounding the Turing Test as a criterion for intelligence.
It tells the stories of the unsung heroes of the computer age – the logicians. The story begins with Leibniz in the 17th century and then focuses on Boole, Frege, Cantor, Hilbert, and Gödel, before turning to Turing.
This book presents a facsimile of the original typescript of Turing's fascinating and influential 1938 Princeton PhD thesis, one of the key documents in the history of mathematics and computer science.
The book highlights Turing's contributions to computing and to computer science, including Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life, and the emphasis throughout is on the relevance of his work to modern developments.
Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine (Oxford University Press). 2011a. ... Turing: Pioneer of the Information Age (Oxford University Press). 2017a. 'Baby' in BJ Copeland and others (eds.), The Turing Guide (Oxford University Press).
The inventor Hugo Koch designed the " Enigma " machine in Holland in 1919 and sold the patent later to Dr. Arthur Scherbius . He improved Koch's design and hoped to win a market for this machine in the business world , but his best ...
Turing Tutorial Guide
At the same time, this is the tragic account of a man who, despite his wartime service, was eventually arrested, stripped of his security clearance, and forced to undergo a humiliating treatment program--all for trying to live honestly in a ...