The Oxford Handbook of Project Management presents and discusses leading ideas in the management of projects. Positioning project management as a domain much broader and more strategic than simply 'execution management', this Handbook draws on the insights of over 40 scholars to chart the development of the subject over the last 50 years or more as an area of increasing practical and academic interest. It suggests we could be entering an emerging 'third wave' of analysis and interpretation following its early technical and operational beginnings and the subsequent shift to a focus on projects and their management. Topics dealt with include: the historical evolution of the subject; its theoretical base; professionalism; business and societal context; strategy; organization; governance; innovation; overruns; risk; information management; procurement; relationships and trust; knowledge management; practice and teams. This handbook is of particular relevance to those interested in the research issues underlying project management.
This handbook provides state-of-the-art scholarship in the emerging field of megaproject management.
A Practical Guide to Effective Policies, Techniques and Processes Trevor L. Young ... 1 2 3 4 5 Agree strongly Each team member has a clear idea of his / her role and responsibilities in the project : Disagree strongly 1 2 3 4 5 Agree ...
This volume provides a wide range of perspectives on the nature of innovation management and its influences.
Terry Cooke-Davies' three levels of success The schema also corresponds with Terry Cooke-Davies' ideas of three levels of success in projects10: 1. Was the project 'done right'? – what Cooke-Davies called 'project management success'.
This Handbook provides critical, interdisciplinary contributions from leading international academics on the theory and methodology, practical applications, and broader context of Management Information Systems, as well as offering ...
This handbook analyses and explores the evolution of management; the core functions and how they may have changed; its position in the culture of modern society; the institutions and ideologies that support it; and likely challenges and ...
European Group of Public Administration (1997), Public Management and Administrative Reform in Western Europe, ed. W. J. M. Kickert, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ... (1931),Political Handbook of the World, New Haven: Yale University Press.
The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries is a reference work, bringing together many of the world's leading scholars in the application of creativity in economics, business and management, law, policy studies, organization studies, and ...
'Regaining Lost Relevance'. Journal of Management Inquiry, 18: 108–17. Maciariello, J. A. and Linkletter, K. (2011). Drucker's Lost Art of Management: Peter Drucker's Timeless Vision for Building Effective Organizations.
'Telling Tales: Management Gurus' Narratives and the Construction of Managerial Identity'. Journal of Management Studies, 35/2, 137–161. Collins, D. (2003). 'The Branding of Management Knowledge: Rethinking Management Fads'.