Corporate governance remains a central area of concern to business and society, and this handbook constitutes the definitive source of academic research on this topic synthesizing international studies from economics, strategy international business, organizational behaviour entrepreneurship, business ethics, accounting, finance, and law.
Plummer,J. (2004) 'Introduction', in J. Plummer. and J. G.Taylor (eds) Communityparticipation in China: issues andprocessesfor capacity building, London: Earthscan, pp 1-22. Polanyi, K. (1957) The great transformation: the political and ...
53 [b] The Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Responsibility In the late 1990s, Reverend Sullivan, in conjunction with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, began work on a new initiative, “launch[ing] the Global Sullivan ...
Cape Town: Pearson Education. Masi, R. J.( 2000). “Effects of Transformational Leadership on Subordinate Motivation, Empowering Norms, and Organizational Productivity.” International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Vol.
(See “2007 Trends in the Corporate Governance Practices of the 100 Largest U.S. Public Companies” published by Shearman & Sterling LLP.) Q 6:12 How long should board meetings last? Historically, the average board meeting lasted only a ...
A Humane Reckoning: From Accounting to Accountability at Macquarie, 1964 - 2014
Est in Aqua Dulci Non Invidiosa Voluptas
Corporate Reconstructions: Strategies for Directors
Patterns of Accountability Within Local Non-elected Bodies: Steering Between Government and the Market
Boeker, W. and Goodstein, J. (1991). Organizational Performance and Adaptation: Effects of Environment and Performance on ... Corporate Governance: Welk Nationaal Systeem is het Beste?, Book review. • Bosch, F.A.J. van den (1996).
This book is a timely and necessary examination of how organized labour and workers movements are engaging with this shifting environment.