The latest volume to be published in 'The Oxford Edition of the Sermons of John Donne', which presents the largest prose output of one of the most celebrated poets and preachers of the seventeenth century. The edition provides freshly edited texts arranged by place of delivery instead of (often speculative) chronology, and offers a wealth of explanatory material for specialist and non-specialist readers alike.
Twenty-Five of the Greatest Sermons Ever Preached
Seeing Things Differently
Briefly for Jacobs case here, S. Bernard : expresses it well in his own, est commune exilium, there is one banishment common to us all, ... pen corr; duo F26 374 cogár viverel F26" pen corr, cogarvicere F26 390 Psal. 23.4.] ed., Psal.
This is the first in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley's sermons. It contains a detailed introduction as well as sermons 1-33 of Sermons on Several...
Sounds of the Passion: Meditations on Jesus' Journey to the Cross
A Word for All Seasons
Seek First His Kingdom: An Anthology of the Sermons of the Saint
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