This volume offers a detailed analysis of the issues related to the protection of non-traditional marks. In recent years, the domain of trademark law and the scope of trademark protection has grown exponentially. Today, a wide variety of non-traditional marks, including colour, sound, smell, and shape marks, can be registered in many jurisdictions. However, this expansion of trademark protection has led to heated discussions and controversies about the impact of the protection of non-traditional marks on freedom of competition and, more generally, on socially valuable use of these or similar signs in unrelated non-commercial contexts. These tensions have also led to increasing litigation in this area across several jurisdictions. This text provides an overview of the debate and state of the law surrounding non-traditional marks at the international, regional, and national level.
International Intellectual Property Litigation
Ask your attorney to advise you with regard to the evidence that might be required to support claims of ownership, use, ... for particular products, regions, or countries and it is impossible to obtain these breakdowns in later years.
Matthew Kennedy exposes the challenges created by the integration and independence of TRIPS within the WTO.
The Intellectual Property Review
This publication supplements International Intellectual Property Law and Policy, Second Edition.
WIPO Arbitration, Mediation, and Expert Determination Rules and Clauses
This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book.
This Handbook is an essential tool for scholars, researchers and advanced students in the field of intellectual property. It also provides materials of direct relevance for policymakers and legal practitioners.
Canada : facts and proceedings --"Promise utility doctrine" --Fair and equitable treatment standard and legitimate expectations --Legitimate expectations, intellectual property rights and international property law framework : Eli Lilly and ...