This monograph provides a sustained analysis of two foundational principles of English property law: the principle of relative title and the principle that possession is a source of title. It examines several central concepts in the law of property, including possession and ownership.
Das Werk stellt das Sachenrecht im Sinne eines großen Lehrbuchs dar.
... Die Löschungsvormerkung nach § 1179 BGB in ihren Beziehungen zur Eigentümergrundschuld, BlGBW 1958, 193, 305; Riedel, Über die Eintragung von Löschungsvormerkungen und ergänzenden Sicherungsrechten, DNotZ 1956, 347; Riedel H., ...
This new work provides a concise, yet comprehensive explanation of personal and real property law and is constructed in a very clear logical style giving students the means to deal with the complexity of this subject.
Australian Property Law - Cases, Materials and Analysis contains important case & legislation extracts from Australian jurisdictions with detailed discussion.
The second edition of AN INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY LAW IN AUSTRALIA is substantially revised throughout, but maintains a clear, friendly style and broad coverage of almost every aspect of real and personal property.
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
Temas de derechos reales
Derecho Civil: Derechos Reales
Cases and Materials on American Property Law