... to vote while they are in jail.7 However, in Hirst v United Kingdom (No 2) ((2006) 42 EHRR 41) the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found that this blanket ban was incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.
More worrying was the ability of jurors to understand directions given by judges. The study involved 797 jurors at three courts who all saw the same simulated trial and heard exactly the same judicial directions on the law.
This has the very practical consequence that both practitioners and other potential users of the civil justice system must be as aware of the directions and the requirements they impose as of the rules themselves.
This book does not repeat material that is available in many textbooks that are in print. Rather, it endeavours to present every topic in plain language and concludes every chapter with a fictitious explanatory sample case.
*** UPDATED TO JANUARY 2022 *** This is a great starter book for those who are new to the subject of English law.
In addition, this book addresses the ways in which rules and the structures of law respond to and impact upon changes in economic and political life.
USEFUL WEBSITES United Kingdom Parliament home page http://www.parliament.uk/index.cfm European Court of Justice home page http://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/j_6/ European Court of Human Rights home page http://www.echr.coe.int/ Welsh ...
The English Legal System offers a modern, contemporary approach to the core ELS curriculum, offering clear explanations to clarify the material without oversimplification.
I thank also the team at Cambridge University Press – Sinead Moloney, Stephanie Thelwell and above all Wendy Gater – for the efficient and courteous way they handled a difficult manuscript and what must have been for them a tiresome ...
107Sale of Goods Act 1979 s 14(3) (non-consumer contracts); Consumer Rights Act 2015 s 10 (consumer contracts); below, p 214. 108[1975] QB 326 (CA) 339. 109National Westminster Bank Ltd v Morgan [1985] AC 686 (HL) 707–08 (Lord Scarman).