Here is a comprehensive study of the thousands of Britons captured and enslaved in North Africa in the early modern period, charting the course of victims' lives from capture to liberation, death, or, escape. The study places the British story within the context of Mediterranean slavery, which saw Moors and Christians as both captors and captives.
Notes on Northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan: in relation to the ethnography, languages, history, political and social condition, of...
Trình bày các vấn đề lý luận và thực tiễn liên quan đến biến động chính trị - xã hội ở khu vực Bắc Phi - Trung Đông; biến động chính trị - xã hội tại khu vực Bắc Phi - Trung Đông; ...
So then Watson and Matthews , the other pilots and I climbed into three separate Blenheims and squeezed down among the instruments . We carried no observer , so there was a spare seat for both Matthews and me with a good view .
Lʹouvrage de Jillali El Adnani est un livre dʹhistoire mais les faits quʹil rapporte en font, bien que cela nʹait pas été son intention dʹhistorien, un livre de clarification dans un contexte politique particulièrement complexe.
The Burgundian nobles rallied round him, and madeadesperate stand against German interference, andhe maintained his independencein theFranche Comté, as the districtwas subsequently called.When Frederick Barbarossamarried Beatrix, ...
Dicho islote quedó bajo soberanía es- pañola tras el Combate Naval de Alborán, el 1 de octubre de 1540, en el que se en- frentaron las galeras de Bernardino de Mendoza con las embarcaciones corsarias de Caramami y Alí Hamet.
The Story of North Africa
Debtor Status for the United States as Public Policy: Analysis and Concerns, Journal Articles, 1985-1988