If, like many Americans, you're curious about your English past, and wish to know what your village, town, or county was like many years ago, or have an overriding desire to uncover the everyday lives of your ancestors, then The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History is the perfect book,
an unrivalled new guide to investigating how we used to live before we came to the United States.
The last thirty years have seen a huge growth of interest in local and family history both as a subject for the general enthusiast and as an area of academic study. With over 2,000 entries The Oxford Companion to Local and Family History caters admirably to this growing popularity by providing
detailed summaries of the latest knowledge in such fields as social, urban, agricultural, legal, family, and ecclesiastical history. It gives guidance on where to find and how to use documentary sources, suggests books and journals to help the reader in further research, and includes entries which
explain terms which may puzzle beginners in the field. Covering a broad canvas, from prehistory to the present day, taking in the whole of the British Isles, the Companion paints a thorough picture of rural and urban life.
There are entries on everything from bear-baiting and Morris dancing to aerial photography and the use of computers. Individuals included range from writers, historians, and social commentators to landscape designers and antiquarians (Thomas Hardy, Richard Jefferies, Samuel Pepys, `Capability'
Brown, etc.), while institutions and organizations (HMSO, Armed Forces, trades unions, Inns of Court, etc.) are all fully covered. Cells and cellars combine with entries on cider and cinemas, foxhunting and framework knitting, to provide a invaluable compendium of information and advice for both the
amateur and professional researcher, and a fascinating introduction to the subject for the general reader.
Malcolm Airs, Fellow Kellogg College, Oxford and Lecturer, University of Oxford
John Beckett, Professor of English Regional History, University of Nottingham
Anthony J. Camp, Director, Society of Genealogists
Harold Fox, Senior Lecturer, Department of English Local History, University of Leicester
Margaret Gelling, Honorary Reader, Birmingham University
John L. Halstead, Lecturer, University of Sheffield
David Hey (ed.)
Ralph Houlbrook, Reader, Department of History, University of Reading
Richard Hoyle, Senior Lecturer, Department of History, University of Central Lancashire
David Moody, Assistant District Librarian, East Lothian District Libraries
D. Huw Owen, Keeper of Pictures and Maps, The National Library of Wales
David Palliser, Chair of Medieval History, School of History, University of Hull
Charles Phythian-Adams, Head of Department of English Local History, University of Leicester
Nigel Ramsay, Curator, Department of Manuscripts, The British Library
Brian Short, Senior Lecturer, School of Cultural and Community Studies, University of Sussex
Joan Thirsk, former Reader, University of Oxford
Kevin Whelen, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, and Visiting Scholar, Boston Colleg
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