Author's personal experiences as the special representative of Dag Hammarskjold, 1905-1961, Secretary General of the United Nations, in the Congo, 1960-1961.
The Road to Democracy project is a chronological analysis of four decades - 1960-1970, 1970-1980, 1980-1990, 1990-1994, bearing in mind the four areas of focus above and the following themes...
Genocide in the Congo/Zaire exposes incredible and horrific atrocities taking place in the heart of Africa, in the Congo/Zaire, a country that is as big as all of Western Europe...
Tanzania and Nyerere: A Study of Ujamaa and Nationhood
Both the obstacles to governance and the opportunities for democratization confronted in East Africa?with its geostrategic importance, porous borders, governments heavily dependent on foreign aid, and some of Africa's longest-running...
The eminent African novelist and critic, here addresses Nigeria's problems, aiming to challenge the resignation of Nigerians and inspire them to reject old habits which inhibit Nigeria from becoming a...
Nigeria and South Africa provide the socioeconomic and political contrasts in the African condition. Some of these contrasts can be demonstrated in the following dialectics: Nigeria is the Africa of...
Ghana: Evolution and Change in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
"On his way into Parliament on 2 February 1990 FW de Klerk turned to his wife Marike and said, referring to his forthcoming speech: "South Africa will never be the...
A study of conflict and post conflict reconstruction in West Africa discussing issues such as child soldiers, the dynamics of civil war, state and social disintegration, and multilateral agencies and...