Fifteen years ago the AIDS `epidemic' did not exist on the public agenda. In just over a decade the public and official response to the disease has resulted in the development of a whole network of organizations devoted to the study, containment, and practical treatment of AIDS. In this important and original analysis of AIDS policy, Virginia Berridge examines the speed and nature of the official (and unofficial) response to this new and critical historical event. The policy reaction in Britain passed through three stages. From 1981-1986 the outbreak of a new contagious disease led to public alarm and social stigmatization, with a lack of scientific certainty about the nature of the disorder. AIDS was a new and open policy area - there were no established departmental, local, or health authority mechanisms for dealing with the problem. This was a period of policy development from below, with relatively little official action and many voluntary initiatives behind the scenes. This phase was succeeded in 1986-1987 by a brief stage of quasi-wartime emergency, in which national politicians and senior civil servants intervened, and a high-level political response emerged. The response was a liberal one of `safe sex' and harm minimization rather than draconian notification or isolation of carriers. The author demonstrates that despite the `Thatcher revolution'in government in the 1980s, crisis could still stimulate a consensual response. The current period of `normalization' of the disease sees panic levels subsiding as the rate of growth slows and the fear of the unknown recedes. Official institutions have been established and formal procedures adopted and reviewed; paid professionals have replaced the earlier volunteers. The 1990s have seen change in the liberal consensus towards a harsher response and the partial repoliticization of AIDS. In this fascinating and scholarly account, Virginia Berridge analyses a remarkable period in contemporary British history, and exposes the reaction of the British political and medical elites, and of the British public to one of the most challenging issues of this century.
This book explores the thoroughly human dimension of the health care and prevention responses to the HIV crisis in the UK, and the impact that such initiatives had on the progression of the epidemic.
United Kingdom's Call for Action on HIV/AIDS
Short-term Prediction of HIV Infection and AIDS in England and Wales: Report of a Working Group
Hiv and Aids Services in the Uk
Award-winning journalist Simon Garfield presents a story of political intrigue, of panic and hysteria, of wasted opportunities and of a medical battle conducted against seemingly impossible odds.
HIV & AIDS Services in the UK
More than 6,000 people were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2015. This book can help people recognise signs and symptoms of HIV and AIDS. It can also help people identify and avoid risky behaviors that may lead to an HIV infection.
UK AIDS Sector Directory: Information on All HIV and AIDS Services in the UK
Aids Uk 8
UK, HIV and Human Rights: Recommendations for the Next Five Years