Diabetes care has changed enormously in the past few years. Diagnostic criteria have changed and there is strong evidence for the benefits of vigorous treatment of high blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol and other risk factors for complications. Without such care, there is a greater risk of disability or death. Patients rightly expect high standards of evidence-based care tailored to their personal needs.
General Practitioners are well placed to provide good, local disabetes care. This book provides a step-by-step guide to diabetes care for general practitioners and their teams; some patients may also find it helpful. The author draws on practical experience and takes a realistic, common sense approach to the assessment, education, monitoring, and treatment of diabetes in all age groups. The new diagnostic criteria are explained and the bewildering range of new pills, insulins and gadgets are clearly discussed with help in choosing the right one for your patient. There are detailed sections on helping patients to manage diabetes in everyday life- eating, exercise, work and travel and there is extensive help about monitoring and adjustment of glucose levels, and how to prevent and cope with emergencies. The book focuses particularly on the preventive, detection and treatment of diabetic tissue damage, including heart disease. Children, the elderly, and those from varied ethnic backgrounds have dedicated chapters, as do men and women with diabetes.
'Practical Diabetes Care' gently guides those who wish to establish new diabetic services, and provides more detailed specialist information for those who wish to enhance the diabetes care they already provide.
The author has many years of practical experience in the field of diabetes care and has written widely on the topic for professionals and patients.
This practical guide translates research and evidence-based recommendations into everyday clinical practice, with the goal of helping all members of the healthcare team more effectively manage their diabetic patients.
Practical Diabetes Care for Canadian Health Care Professionals
Concisely written by authorities in the field, this book is a valuable resource for all those involved in the diabetes care of older people .
Edited by an expert on the psychology of diabetes, and with contributions from a group of specialists in diabetes psychology, this book contains a myriad of insights into how to understand and treat the type 1 or type 2 diabetes patient.
This practical handbook, now in its fifth edition, addresses how to provide health care for people with diabetes in the primary care setting.
Written in a friendly, easy-to-read way, with summaries for quick reference and detailed information when needed, this book is aimed at health care professionals in primary, community and secondary care, helping experienced staff update ...
The new edition of Diabetes Care - a Practical Manual provides up-to-date guidance on managing diabetic emergencies including hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis, and new advice about diabetes care in A&E and the hospital setting.
This book provides an up-to-date review of the dietary management of diabetes looking at general topics, such as the metabolic principles of nutrition, as well as more specific topics, such as nutritional management of diabetic children, ...
Living with diabetes: the patient-centered perspective. Diabetes Spectrum 1994; 7: 204–205. Rubin RR, Biermann J, Toohey B. Psyching Out Diabetes: a Positive Approach to Your Negative Emotions, 3rd ed. Los Angeles: Lowell House, 1999.
The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital is an ideal companion for ward practitioners, providing answers to these and many other practical diabetes problems, helping you to deliver safe and effective care to patients.