This book provides a systematic and comprehensive study of the legal concept of equity as it operates in contemporary international law. A principle with a long pedigree, equity has been present in legal thought and in municipal legal systems since antiquity. Introduced in international legal decisions through claims commissions and arbitral tribunals, equity became progressively part and parcel of the international law mainstream. From international cultural heritage law to the law on climate change, from maritime boundary delimitations to decisions on security for costs in investment arbitration, the relevance of equity is more far-reaching than has previously been acknowledged. In contrast with earlier studies on the topic, this book is informed by a body of judicial and arbitral case law that has never been so substantial and varied. It also draws extensively on the prolific case law of investment tribunals, gaining insights from a valuable source that is typically overlooked in public international law scholarship. As the importance of international law increases, covering continuously new domains, the value of equity increases with it. It is this new equity in the international law of the 21st century that this book explores.
When a claimant demands an interpretation of a right in international law that goes beyond existing conventional, statutory or customary norms, proceedings enter the uncharted area of equity in international...
This important book addresses the relationship between principles of law and the other sources of international law, explores the interplay between principles of law and domestic and regional legal systems and the role of principles of law ...
Cette difficulté est alors contournée par celui qui doit appliquer la notion en insistant sur le fait que le cas ... n'est pas nécessaire pour conclure à l'existence du génocide ; il suffit que l'un des actes énumérés dans la définition ...
The Function of Law in the International Community, first published in 1933, is one of the seminal works on international law.
The equality of parties before the International Court of Justice
This book analyses the principle of equality from three perspectives: public international law, private international law and EU law.
... generations. There is in a sense a war, an invisible war, being conducted between the generations. The question may ... place it is to be remembered that the exploitation of earth resources take place mainly in the countries of the ...
Excerpt from The Equality of States in International Law The bibliography, it should be noted, is not what the ac cepted meaning of the term implies. Perhaps it would be...
This is a book on “equity in the civil law tradition” from the double perspective of legal history and comparative law.
The first authoritative commentary on a major new codification of the equality principle as applied to investor-state dispute settlement.