The very existence of an employment relationship places the human rights of a worker at risk. Employers can, and frequently do, exercise their managerial and disciplinary powers in a manner that interferes with the most fundamental rights of the individual worker. Adequate safeguards against such infringements are necessary if individuals are to receive full protection of their rights. This book examines how far the labour laws of England and Wales offer such guarantees, with a particular focus on dismissal law. The chapters reflect on the relationship between employment, labour, and human rights before conducting a detailed and critical analysis of the scope, shape, and application of domestic employment law. The framework for evaluation is drawn from the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, as it develops a principled and tailored approach to how the rights contained in the European Convention on Human Right should be enforced in working relationships. Statutory mechanisms, such as the law of unfair dismissal, and common law causes of action are examined and found to be lacking in their capacity to vindicate and enforce the human rights of workers. This book culminates in the proposal and elaboration upon an innovative solution, the Bill of Rights for Workers, that would draw on the successes of human rights and labour law instruments to render the Convention rights directly enforceable in the relationship between a worker and their employer.
The PhD thesis on which this book was based was awarded with the 2016 Doctoral Studies Award of the Philipps University of Marburg in Germany.
This is the first book to provide a precise description of how companies can put purpose into practice.
MDMS was introduced on a nationwide basis in all government primary schools for children in classes 1–5 with two major purposes.The first was to boost universalisation of primary education by directing efforts to enhance enrolment, ...
Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World Benjamin Mason Meier, Lawrence O. Gostin. adolescent health, maternal health, ... been perceived, putting human rights and women's empowerment at the heart of public health discussions.
human. rights. Economics and enlightened self-interest together create powerful reasons for urgently tackling climate ... states' legal obligations to act, and in calling for climate policies that put human-rights principles first.
Osler anchors her examination of human rights in the U.N Convention on the Rights of the Child, as well as the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training.
On Human Work: Laborem Exercens
The Commission will have a broad human rights mandate and will have a free-standing power to promote human rights. ... The new body will be able to work to embed a culture of respect for human rights in public services and help public ...
On the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations, the world has faced its biggest shared test since the Second World War in the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.