Savage and bloodthirsty, or civilized and peaceable? The Celts have long been a subject of enormous fascination, speculation, and misunderstanding. Barry Cunliffe seeks to reveal this fascinating people for the first time, exploring subjects such as trade, migration, and the evolution of Celtic traditions, and examining such colourful characters as St Patrick, Cú Chulainn, and Boudica.
... 153 James 223-225 JULIUS CAESAR , Shakespearean Play 83 JUTLAND ( DENMARK ) , 127 KANSAS CITY , 208 KARNAK , Great Temple Of 80 KAVANAGH , Patrick 223 KEATING , Prime Minister Of Australia 194 KEE , Robert 186 KELLY , Grace 197 John ...
This revised paperback edition of the landmark volume that accompanied an exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi takes the reader on a voyage through many eras, places, and themes to rediscover the story of a people still in some ways shrouded in ...
This is an early history of the Celtic race and the part they played in European history.
Traces the colorful early history and culture of the Celtic peoples, celebrating their accomplishments in the fields of agriculture, engineering, metalwork, jewelry, stone carvings, glassware, philosophy, medicine, and more. Original.
This book shows, in contrast, that the Celts, as they have been known and understood over two thousand years, are simply the 'other' of the dominant cultural and political traditions of Europe.
"The influence of the Celts is far more widespread than its fragmented survival in the outer fringes of western Europe indicates; this once important culture is still a vital component of European civilisation and heritage, from east to ...
This is a fascinating book about the Celts and their religion, which covers all aspects of the gods, ritual customers, cult-objects and sacred places of the ancient Celtic peoples.
Synopsis coming soon.......
Nora Chadwick's classic survey traces the rise and spread of the Celts, from their arrival in the British Isles in about the eighth century BC to the gradual transformation of their culture, initially under the Romans and later the Saxons.
Peter Ellis. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CELTS PETER BERRESFORD ELLIS ROBINSON London Constable & Robinson Ltd 3 The Lanchesters 162Fulham Palace Road.