This edition brings together the fullest range of Rossetti's poetry and prose in one volume, including 'Goblin Market', stories (the complete text of Maude), devotional prose, and personal letters. The poetry is arranged in a single chronological sequence to show Rossetti's poetic development.
Boyer, Anne. Garments Against Women. Boise, ID: Ahsahta Press, 2015. ———. “The Two Thousands.” Free Poetry 5, no. ... “If André Breton Were Alive Today He'd Be Spinning in His Grave: Surrealism and Contemporary Prose Poetry.
This is a collection of prose poems that when collected tell the tale of a young man and his cross country travels.
Exploring the Language of Poems, Plays and Prose examines how readers interact with literary works, how they understand and are moved by them.
The prose poem is beginning to enjoy a tremendous upswing in popularity. Readers of this marvelous collection, a must-have for anyone interested in the current state of the art, will learn why.
A prose poem is a poem written in prose rather than verse. But what does that really mean? Is it an indefinable hybrid? An anomaly in the history of poetry?...
In The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem, Margaret Atwood rubs shoulders with Claudia Rankine; Lu Xun and Rabindranath Tagore take seats in the family tree above Seamus Heaney and Simon Armitage; and Czeslaw Milosz sits just pages from Eileen ...
A general introduction provides an up-to-date and detailed historical account of the Anglo-Saxon period, and concise introductions open the literature sections of the book and many of the translations.
Poetry. AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PROSE POEM clears a new path for students, instructors, and general readers interested in exploring the "ramshackle and unexpected... thoroughfare" [Campbell McGrath] of a hard-to-definte...
Closer to Dylan Thomas than Matthew Arnold in his 'creative violence' and insistence on the sound of poetry, Gerard Manley Hopkins was no staid, conventional Victorian. On entering the Society...
Recite and Refuse places the work of state-sponsored writers in mutual relationship to prose poems by unorthodox and avant-garde poets, from cadre writers like Ke Lan and Guo Feng to the border-crossing intellectual and poet Liu Zaifu to ...