Analyzing Prayer: Theological and Philosophical Essays

Analyzing Prayer: Theological and Philosophical Essays
Oxford University Press
Oliver D. Crisp, James M. Arcadi, ?Associate Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology James M Arcadi


Analyzing Prayer draws together a range of theologians and philosophers to deal with different approaches to prayer as a Christian practice. The essays included deal with issues pertaining to petitionary prayer, prayer as reorientation of oneself in the presence of God, prayer by those who do not believe, liturgical prayer, mystical prayer, whether God prays, the interrelation between prayer and various forms of knowledge, theologizing as a form of prayer, lament and prayer, prayer and God's presence, and even prayer and the meaning of life. The volume contains cutting-edge studies on a neglected topic of theological study that contributes to the broadening of themes tackled by analytic theology.

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