This book examines the law and politics of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, attached to the Withdrawal Agreement, which regulates the terms of Brexit. The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland deals with the most complex issue which emerged during the withdrawal negotiations between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU), namely how to avoid a hard border in the island of Ireland and preserve the peace process started in Northern Ireland with the 1998 Belfast Good Friday Agreement. To this end, the Protocol, which was agreed in its final form in October 2019, establishes a bespoke solution, notably by keeping Northern Ireland aligned to EU customs and internal market rules. Nevertheless, the operation of the Protocol, which has formally entered into force in January 2021, has stirred political controversies in the Unionist community in Northern Ireland, and caused diplomatic confrontation between the EU and the UK. The purpose of this book is therefore to provide the first interdisciplinary overview of the Protocol, shedding light on its context, content, and challenges. This book -- which brings together contributions by leading legal scholars, political scientists, sociologists, and trade experts from Northern Ireland, Ireland, Great Britain, Europe, and the United States -- provides a comprehensive and contextual assessment of the Protocol. It examines its setting, including constitutional trends in the UK and Ireland, focuses on its substantive clauses dealing with human rights and cross-border cooperation, as well as on those related to trade, and analyses its governance mechanisms, including democratic consent and safeguards.
Putin, the 'normalization' of Russian Politics and Europe
1970 : the president of CL , François Bloch - Lainé , Inspecteur des Finances , adopted a strategy of partnerships with other banks in the form of Union des Banques Arabes et Françaises ( UBAF ) , and Europartners ( see below ) .
Britain and the European Union: Alternative Futures
A Price Not Worth Paying: The Economic Cost of EMU
"This paper compares alternative methodologies for estimating real exchange rate misalignment for EU countries.
Beyond the WTO?: An Anatomy of EU and US Preferential Trade Agreements
This e-book compiles the written contributions prepared by the speakers of an EUI conference titled 'Global Europe: The New Generation of EU Preferential Trade Agreements'.
31 Case 249/81 , Commission v . Ireland , 1982 ECR 4005 . 32 Brian Lavery , “ Ireland : Speak Gaelic or Hit the High Road , ” New York Times , 19 Dec. 2002 . 48 Haim II , para . 59 . 49 Id 106 LAW AND LANGUAGE IN THE EUROPEAN UNION.
17 M. Goldberg , R. W. Helseley and M. D. Levi , ' The Location of International Financial Centres ' , Annals of Regional Science , November 1988 , pp . 81–94 , and M. Goldberg , R. W. Helseley and M. D. Levi , ' The 134 Financial ...
Europäische Sozialpolitik - eine Einschätzung aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht