Calculus Set Free: Infinitesimals to the Rescue is a single-variable calculus textbook that incorporates the use of infinitesimal methods. The procedures used throughout make many of the calculations simpler and the concepts clearer for undergraduate students, heightening success and easing a significant burden of entry into STEM disciplines. This text features a student-friendly exposition with ample marginal notes, examples, illustrations, and more. The exercises include a wide range of difficulty levels, stretching from very simple rapid response questions to the occasional exercise meant to test knowledge. While some exercises require the use of technology to work through, none are dependent on any specific software. The answers to odd-numbered exercises in the back of the book include both simplified and non-simplified answers, hints, or alternative answers. Throughout the text, notes in the margins include comments meant to supplement understanding, sometimes including line-by-line commentary for worked examples. Without sacrificing academic rigor, Calculus Set Free offers an engaging style that helps students to solidify their understanding on difficult theoretical calculus.
Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-13-092015 - O Pearson Education Ltd. , London Pearson Education Australia Pty . Ltd. , Sydney Pearson Education ...
Student's Solution Manual to Accompany Calculus With Applications and Calculus With Applications Brief Version
Printed test bank Mary Margaret Shoaf-Grubbs, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (Firm). 18. Find the Maclaurin Series for xcosx a. X (-l)n32n+1x2n + 2 n = 0 (2n + l)! b. X (-l)n 32n + l x2n + l n=0 (2n+l)! X (-1)" .2n n = 0 (2n)! d.
Calculus Connections: A Multimedia Adventure : Laboratory Workbook & Program Documentation
"Calculus connections provides a dynamic and powerful way to connect calculus to your everyday life"--Container.
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