The first part of the book (chapters 1-3) is about what goes on behind the scenes in an opera house : how the performance is planned, how the singers are chosen, trained and rehearsed, who runs the stage and how everything is organized. The second half presents the music and words of scenes from six famous operas, which make their effect in different ways. Questions and projects conclude each chapter.
Broadway stars David Cryer and Judy Kaye as Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett in the 1980 production by Michigan Opera Theatre . ness SWEENEY TODD WHO'S Sondheim's darkest work , WHO SWEENEY TODD ( Baritone ) Formerly Benjamin Barker ...
Provides information on opera companies, festivals, conductors, terminology, characters, and more
... Luvenia Garner / Angela R. Simpson ( 9 , 11m , 12 ) ( Serena ) , Kimberly Jones ( Clara ) , Ann Duquesnay ( Maria ) ... Barron Coleman ( Mingo ) , Richard Taylor ( Robbins ) , Stanley Jackson ( Peter ) , Mathew J. Minor ( Jim ) ...
... and Drama are best exemplified in Der Ring des Nibelungen, which consists of four consecutive dramas: Das Rheingold, shorter Stage design by Joseph Hoffmann For Act III, scene i ... See Newman, The Life of Richard Wagner, 21159—61.
This book offers essays on a number of the author's favourite operas, well known and little known.
On and Off: Opera in Auckland, 1970-2000
Grosses Sängerlexikon
Dictionary of Opera and Operetta