The Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English helps students learn the words and phrases used in academic writing, and how to use them in their own academic written work. With Oxford Academic iWriter on CD-ROM.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
The text of this version has been augmented with the inclusion of the Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series (Volumes 1-3), published in 1993 and 1997, the Bibliography to the Second Edition, and other ancillary material.
Oxford Advanced Learner'"s Dictionary of Current English
The Workbook helps students get the most out of the Dictionary.
An invaluable pocket dictionary for Greek-speaking learners of English.
Easy to use and with a great CD-ROM - the perfect learner's dictionary for exam success. First published as the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, this new edition has been completely updated and redesigned.
Oxford Learner'S Pocket English Dictionary,4E
Vocabulary practice activities help you learn the key words you need to use when studying any academic subject in English at university level.More practice exercises and short writing tasks available at a href="http://www.oup ...
It has the Compass Cd-Rom which gives you more than any other dictionary Cd-Rom : everything that's in this 7th edition ; everything in the Oxford Learner's Worlfinder Dictionary and the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture ; ...
The accompanying CD-ROM allows you to ... "improve your writing skills with the Oxford iWriter; search the A-Z dictionary; listen to words and record your pronunciation; focus on topic vocabulary; make your own word lists.