Vol. 1 is a sweeping political and social history of the antebellum South from 1776 to 1854.
That tiff over a female, however, personified their clashing masculine views. The lady in question, one Peggy Timberlake Eaton ...
Fresh analysis revises many previous theories on origins & significance of the nullification controversy.
Harrison commanded 234 electoral votes to Van Buren's 60 and won 19 of the 26 states. In his lengthy inaugural address, Harrison articulated his mandate to preserve the ''cordial, confiding, fraternal union.
Daniel Crofts examines Unionists in three pivotal southern states--Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee--and shows why the outbreak of the war enabled the Confederacy to gain the allegiance of these essential, if ambivalent, governments.
How Anti-Confederate Southerners Shaped the Course of the Civil War William W. Freehling. Chapter 3. The Secession Crisis 1. On the gag rule see Road, I, 289—352; on fugitive slaves and Kansas, ibid., I, 536–65; on Brooks-Sumner, ...
Here is history in the grand manner, a powerful narrative peopled with dozens of memorable portraits, telling this important story with skill and relish.
This is a collection of speeches by men for whom everything was at risk. Some saw independence and even war as glory; others predicted ruin and devastation.
The book concludes with a substantial epilogue in which Freehling turns to Lincoln’s wartime presidency to assess how the preceding fifty-one years of experience shaped the Great Emancipator’s final four years.
\/Villiam Lee Nliller, ArguingAbout Slavery: T/u> Great Battle in I/re United States Congress (N cw York: Alfred A. Knopf, ... Stanley l-Iarrold, American Abolitionists (Harlow, England: Pearson Education, 2001), 67–68; The Liberator ...
Secessionists at Bay, 1776-1854: Volume I William W. Freehling. Oxford University Press Oxford New York Toronto Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras Karachi Petaling Jaya Singapore Hong Kong Tokyo Nairobi Dar es Salaam Cape Town Melbourne ...