Here, a distinguished group of international contributors examines what we know about, feel, and hope to accomplish in real-world environments.
In this volume, psychologists, planners and architects discuss the present state of knowledge in environmental cognition, building and landscape assessment, aesthetics and decision-making.
Cognition and Environment: Functioning in an Uncertain World
Environment and Cognition
Cognitive processes are not constant, but undergo change with age or development and use or learning. Image and Environment, now in paperback, is a pioneer study. It brings a new academic discipline to a wide audience.
Environmental Knowing: Theories, Research, and Methods
Brings the subject completely up-to-date with coverage of the latest methodology in the field The level of public concern over the impact of the environment on humans is high, making this book timely and of real interest to a fast growing ...
Advances in Environment, Behavior, and Design: Volume 1
Morton P. Friedman, Edward C. Carterette. VII. MUSICAL COMMUNICATION A. Affect and Meaning If music communicates, what does it mean? We can suggest three types of musical meaning, adapted from Meyer (1956): (1) Referentialism, ...
Beyond Embodied Cognition: Intentionality, Affordance, and Environmental Adaptation
Goldin-Meadow, S., Goodrich, W., Sauer, E., and Iverson, J. (2007). ... Hansen, R. L., Ozonoff, S., Krakowiak, P., Angkustsiri, K., ... Fifer, W. P., Byrd, D. L., Kaku, M., Eigsti, I. M., Isler, J. R., Grose-Fifer, J., et al. (2010).