Here is the completely updated and greatly expanded new edition of a classic reference source--the comprehensive overview of the world's largest religion in all its many versions and in both its religious and secular contexts.
Now in two volumes, the Encyclopedia presents and analyzes an unmatched wealth of information about the extent, status, and characteristics of twentieth-century Christianity worldwide. It takes full account of Christianity's ecclesiastical branches, subdivisions, and denominations, and treats Christianity in relation to other faiths and the secular realm. It offers an unparalleled comparative study of churches and religions throughout the modern world.
This new edition features a vast range of new and previously unpublished data on the current global situation of Christianity, on religion in general, and on the political, demographic, economic, and social characteristics of the world's cultures and peoples in 238 countries. Each volume is filled with essential information, from historical surveys of denominations to country-by-country profiles of churches and believers. The text sets the current status of Christianity into a rich historical context, and assesses current trends and future directions.
Many tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, a directory of names and organizations, a glossary, index, and other features ensure accessibility for specialists and non-specialists alike.
The Encyclopedia will be of great value to academics of many disciplines, clergy, administrators, and those who work in Christian and other religious organizations around the world, as well as to anyone interested in current affairs.
This reference work features comprehensive descriptions of all Christian traditions, including current information on the uniqueness of Christian experiences around the world.
This valuable resource is a global overview of world Christianity that analyzes, interprets, and evaluates the country-by-country data reported in the 2001 World Christian Encyclopedia. This "third volume" still stands on its own.
Melanesia and Micronesia Clarke, Matthew. 2015. “Christianity and the Shaping ... Brisbane, Australia: The Mathew Hale Public Library. Blacket, John. 2016. ... Shaping Godzone: Public Issues and Church Voices in New Zealand, 1840–2000.
Maps and essays explore the status of Christianity today, looking at major traditions, Christianity in different continents and regions, Christianity by peoples and language groups, missionary work, and evangelism.
Bruté, Simon Theological Seminary and studied Old Testament under the mentorship of the legendary professor James Muilenburg, ... between Israel and the 'others' in their world, between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'” (2014, xii).
Christena Cleveland, Disunity in Christ: Uncoveringthe HiddenForces That Keep Us Apart (Downers Grove,IL: InterVarsity, 2013), 156. 31. Nadia Bilchik shares howasa child she was unaware of apartheid.It was not untilshe was educatedbyher ...
This book is geared toward a general Christian audience and is written in an accessible style with attractive full-color charts, maps, and graphs to make quantitative data on Christianity and other religions come alive.
There are numerous reference volumes dealing with Christianity. Remarkably, however, until now there has been no one-volume encyclopedia dedicated Christianity on a global scale. This exhaustive work presupposes no...
Suriname is located on the northeastern coast of South America, north of Brazil. Most of the population lives on the ... The first European (and Christian) contact came via French, Spanish, and English explorers in the 16th century.
This book is a short introduction to one of the most remarkable transformations in the modern world that many people still do not know about.