This sixth edition of the widely-respected Human Development Report updates the unique Human Development Indicators comparing human development in most countries of the world, and the data tables on all aspects of human development. This edition includes a special section that examines issues of gender, analyzing global trends in closing and widening gender gaps in different regions and countries. It presents new indicators of gender equality in order to rank countries on a global scale, while it highlights policies that have ensured equal access to opportunities for men and women. The issue also proposes new methodologies to measure and value unpaid contributions made by men and women to human development through household and community activities, and it identifies a new action agenda for promoting gender equality in the decades ahead.
The Report Ranks All Countries By The Human Development Index (Hdi), Using The Latest Data. An Updated Set Of Human Development Indicators For 174 Countries Is Presented In The Statistical Annex. Cover Shop-Soiled, Condion Good.
This first annual volume contains five of the papers commissioned for the 1995 Human Development Report which focused on the theme of Gender Equality. These unique papers address the methodology...
Lithuanian Human Development Report: 1995
Philippine Human Development Report 1994. Manila. . 1995a. AIDS and Africa: A Challenge to Human Development. ... 1995d. Human Development Report 1995: Iitr/eev. Ankara. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural ...
This 9th edition of The Human Development Report focuses on consumption patterns prevalent in today's world. It provides unique data tables updated annually and derived from a set of human development indicators.
Bulgaria, Human Development Report 1995
This 1994 Human Development Report focuses on human security in the daily lives of people. Discussion focuses on some potential early warning signals and prevention actions for avoiding crisis situations....
1995b. Tremlr in Europe and Nortb America: T/ac World Bank. 1993. World Development Report 1993. New Statistical Yearbook oftbe Economic Commissionfur York: Oxford University Press. Europe. New York and Geneva. i. 1995c.