G. Edward White, a leading legal historian, presents Law in American History, a two-volume, comprehensive narrative history of American law from the colonial period to the present. In this first volume, White explores the key turning points in roughly the first half of the American legal system, from the development of order in the colonies, to the signing of the Constitution, to the dissolution of the Union just before the Civil War. Thought-provoking and artfully written, Law in American History, Vol. 1 is an essential text for both students of law and general readers alike.
Now Professor Friedman has completely revised and enlarged his landmark work, incorporating a great deal of new material. The book contains newly expanded notes, a bibliography and a bibliographical essay.
See generally Gerald L. Neuman, “The Lost Century of American Immigration Law,”93 Colum. L. Rev. 1833 (1993). See Dennis James Palumbo, ... The treaty was known as the Burlingame Treaty. 22 Stat. 58 (1882). 130 U.S. at 628. Id. at 604.
G. Edward White's 'Tort Law in America' is regarded as a standard in the field.
'89 Ephraim Emerton, History, in Samuel Eliot Morison, The Development of Harvard University Since the Inauguration of President Eliot, 1869-1929 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1930), p. 156. '84 Herbert B. Adams, ...
American Legal History: Cases and Materials
In the masterful hands of the subject’s greatest living historian, the story of the evolution of our laws serves to lay bare the deciding struggles over power and justice that have shaped this country from its birth pangs to the present.
Beginning with the first English treatise on contract, Powell's Essay Upon the Law of Contracts and Agreements (1790), a major feature of contract writing has been its denunciation of equitable conceptions of substantive justice as ...
Gendered Law in American History is a remarkable compendium of over thirty years of research and teaching in the field.
The most notorious race massacre: John Cimprich & Robert C. Mainfort,Jr., “The Fort Pillow Massacre: A statistical note,” Journal ofAmerican History 76, no. 3 (December 1989): 830–36; noah Andre trudeau, “ 'Kill the last Damn one ...
The letter is quoted in Ernst, Tocqueville's Nightmare, 58. 55. See George K. Ray and Harvey Wienke, “Hot Oil on the Unchartered Seas of Delegated Powers,” 29 Ill. L. Rev. 1035 (1935), and several letters exchanged among staff members ...