Presents a comprehensive comprehensive treatment of the art of persuasion with 150 entries, written by leading scholars, who bring together expertise in classical studies, philosophy, literature, literary theory, cultural studies, speech, and communications. Combines theory, history, and practice, with a special emphasis on public speaking, performance, and communication.
Building upon a rich legacy, the new edition of The Rhetoric of Western Thought provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of rhetoric from its inception in the ancient world, to its present day expression in contemporary practice ...
Seize professeurs présentent douze façons méthodologiques d'aborder le sujet de ce volume en insistant sur le sous-titre. S'adresse surtout aux enseignants.
How to Write is designed to improve your " wetware " . It will do this by teaching you the skills and techniques of communicating ideas and information clearly and concisely . In this New Edition we have preserved the formal of the ...
Rhetoric, Public Opinion, And the League of Nations J. Michael Hogan ... For more on the style and content of Wilson's Index Rerum , see " Editorial Note , Wilson's Commonplace Book : ' Index Rerum , ” PWW , 1 : 83-87 . 19.
“Valerius Popli- cola” argued that the king exercised arbitrary power and also accused the king's “British Ministers” (echoing Joseph Galloway's complaint regarding pensioned judges) of stealing America's wealth: “An awakening Caution ...
In the years since its publication in 1983, The Present State of Scholarship in Historical and Contemporary Rhetoric has become a classic in its field, proving to be an invaluable resource for students of rhetoric and composition, as well ...
Workbook for the Study of Rhetoric in Western Thought
Remarks on the Development of Rhetoric: A Companion Volume to the Rhetoric of Western Thought
This text opens with an overview of the rhetorical system as it was developed in classical times.
Messer Leon , balancing between medieval and Renaissance attitudes , " was a good pupil of the masters he chose to ... While the former advocates a method of interpreting the Bible as a literary text , the latter advances guidelines ...