Review: "Over 10 years in the making, American National Biography is a fascinating study of the people who have shaped the United States. Why replace the Dictionary of American Biography instead of merely updating it through supplements? Because the editors include new scholarship and people who were missed in the original, especially women and ethnic minorities. Numbering 24 volumes and containing 17,500 entries, the work offers readable, informative, and critical biographies for each subject, the location of their papers (if they exist), and selective bibliographies. Excellent indexes--subject, contributor, place of birth, and occupation--enhance use. This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
... Richard O'Connor , The First Hurrah : A Biography of Alfred E. Smith ... see Timberlake , Prohibition and the Progressive Movement , already cited ...
How old was Frost when his first collection of poetry , A Boy's Will , was published ? A. 17 B. 23 C. 30 D. 39 Painting in America has seen a number of ...
... Dem Rep Dem Dem Dem Rep Republican 67th 1921–1923 Warren G. Hardinga Calvin Coolidge Rep Rep William Howard Taft ( 1921–1930 ) Republican William Howard ...
Casey ( 1992 ) , Justices O'Connor , Anthony Kennedy , and David Souter , in a jointly authored opinion , wrote that Pennsylvania could limit abortions as long as its regulations did not pose “ an undue burden ” on pregnant women.105 ...
Pennsylvania Senate Bob Casey ( D ) Rick Santorum ( R ) Rhode Island Senate Lincoln Chafee ( R ) Sheldon Whitehouse ( D ) New York Governor Eliot Spitzer ( D ) John Faso ( R ) Santorum , one of the most ...
Known for its focus on the environment & the land, the text is also praised for its coverage of cultural history, public health, & medicine. This edition brings the work fully up-to-date.
Student Guide with Map Exercises to Accompany The Enduring Vision, a History of the American People, Concise Second Edition, Paul...
Student Guide with Map Exercises to Accompany The Enduring Vision, a History of the American People, Paul S. Boyer [and...
Student Guide with Map Exercises to Accompany The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. To 1877 [by] Paul...
Instructor's Guide to Accompany The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People [by] Paul S. Boyer [and Others]