Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge, 2/e, is an accessible yet in-depth literary study of Sophocles' Oedipus Tyrannus (Oedipus Rex)--the most famous Greek tragedy and one of the greatest masterpieces of world literature. This unique volume combines a close, scene-by-scene literary analysis of the text with an account of the play's historical, intellectual, social, and mythical background and also discusses the play's place in the development of the myth and its use of the theatrical conventions of Greek drama. Based on a fresh scrutiny of the Greek text, this book offers a contemporary literary interpretation of the play, including a readable, nontechnical discussion of its underlying moral and philosophical issues; the role of the gods; the interaction of character, fate, and chance; the problem of suffering and meaning; and Sophocles' conception of tragedy and tragic heroism. This lucid guide traces interpretations of the play from antiquity to modern times--from Aristotle to Hegel, Nietzsche, Freud, Lacan, Lévi-Strauss, Girard, and Vernant--and shows its central role in shaping the European conception of tragedy and modern notions of the self. This second edition draws on new approaches to the study of Greek tragedy; discusses the most recent interpretative scholarship on the play; and contains an annotated up-to-date bibliography. Ideal for courses in classical literature in translation, Greek drama, classical civilization, theater, and literature and arts, Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge, 2/e, will also reward general readers interested in literature and especially tragedy.
Presents classic stories of the Greeks and Romans, along with geographical and historical background information.
This is one of the seven plays of Sophocles in the full editions by R.C. Jebb, all of which will be reissued under the BCP imprint.
I owe a debt of gratitude as well to my colleagues Laurel Braswell , Douglas Duncan , Antony Hammond , and Richard Morton , who read the work in its earlier stages and offered valuable comment ; to James Brasch , Linda Hutcheon ...
国内第一本让你完全读懂红楼梦的书籍,从“死都读不下去”到掩卷深思 本书将用大量人物形象图、人物关系图、活动路线图、经典情节再现以及谜底追踪等图解形式,全方位展示 ...
CLC 20 See also CA 81-84 Sterne , Laurence 1713-1768 LC 2 ; DA ; WLC See also CDBLB 1660-1789 ; DLB 39 Sternheim , ( William Adolf ) Carl 1878-1942 . TCLC 8 See also CA 105 ; DLB 56 , 118 Stevens , Mark 1951 .
128 See John Walton Tyrer , Historical Survey of Holy Week : Its Services and Ceremonial , Alcuin Club Collections 29 ( London : Oxford University Press , 1932 ) , esp . 58 ; and see also this occasion was important for other reasons ...
According to George E. Dimock, what gives the "Odyssey" its unity is Homer's overarching theme of the meaning of pain and suffering in human life.
The first intertextual study of all (allusions to) fables occuring in Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic Greek literature, examining both modern and ancient fable theory as well as Greaco-Roman terminology of the genre.
“杨雨讲诗词故事”系列图书由《百家讲坛》主讲人,《中国成语大会》《快乐汉语》《见字如面》《中华好诗词》等节目点评专家,中南大学古代文学专业杨雨教授历时三年倾心创 ...
“杨雨讲诗词故事”系列图书由《百家讲坛》主讲人,《中国成语大会》《快乐汉语》《见字如面》《中华好诗词》等节目点评专家,中南大学古代文学专业杨雨教授历时三年倾心创 ...