Based on a vast database of some 200 million words, The Oxford American Dictionary of Current English offers superb coverage of American English. Its features include: * 180,000 concise definitions and entries
* Grammar, Style, and Usage Notes give guidance on correct English
* Hundreds of Word Histories provide fascinating background to our language
* 225 illustrations, commissioned by Oxford's US Dictionaries Program, add important visual information that complements the definitions
* 3,000 biographical and geographical entries
* Reference appendices include information on weights and measures, metric conversions, chemical elements, countries of the world, US states and presidents, and much more
All Oxford American dictionaries use an easy-to-use respelling system to show how entries are pronounced. It uses simple, familiar markings to represent common American English sounds. Affordable, durable, easy to read, and completely up to date, this is the finest dictionary of its size available.
Based on a vast database of over 100 million words, this dictionary focuses on words users most commonly encounter, omitting those words rarely seen.
The text of this version has been augmented with the inclusion of the Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series (Volumes 1-3), published in 1993 and 1997, the Bibliography to the Second Edition, and other ancillary material.
Produced by Oxford's American Dictionaries Program, and drawing on the expertise of scores of American scholars and advisors, The New Oxford American Dictionary sets the standard of excellence for lexicography in this country.Here is the ...
The Third Edition will feature a completely updated text, modern new text design, new in-text feature on Word Trends, and approximately 2,000 new words and meanings.
The first spelling , he needed to be ” ( Forbes ) . which is more common , is preferred beDoubt whether is used primarily in cause it retains the name of the main affirmative statements ( again , though , ingredient ( though on this ...
This new dictionary packs an extraordinary amount of information into a handy book that is practical, dependable, affordable, and easy to read. Based on the groundbreaking flagship dictionary of Oxford's...
The Workbook helps students get the most out of the Dictionary.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Mitchell, Joan (1926–92). Painter and printmaker. A skillful and passionate abstract painter, from the 1950s onward she resolutely sustained *abstract expressionism's gestural energy in the face of changing taste.
4 a intelligent, astute, smart, shrewd, clever. b pointed, cutting, stinging, sarcastic. ... in a particular field and may in some cases be cunning or devious (sharp enough to see how the situation might be turned to her advantage).