Community Practice is a comprehensive resource for social workers and students eager to learn how to practice effectively in complex systems and diverse communities. In this completely revised edition of the definitive text in the field, the authors have thoroughly updated each chapter and added two entirely new chapters on community building and community organizing. New material on topics such as negotiation and mediation, community advocacy, participatory rural appraisal, the narrative approach to social change, community involvement, representative client boards, and the latest in grassroots endeavors make this text as inspiring as it is practical. Drawing upon the wealth of information available from local organizations, the Internet, newspapers, and academic journals, the authors introduce contemporary experiments and analyze classic modes of community practice and change. The content, exercises, and references offer instructors the flexibility necessary to tailor their courses to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level students. This new edition will continue to provide a comprehensive and integrated overview of the theory and skills fundamental to all areas of social work practice. Broad in scope, it offers students as well as practitioners the tools necessary to promote the welfare of individuals and communities.
This book presents a theory of learning that starts with the assumption that engagement in social practice is the fundamental process by which we get to know what we know and by which we become who we are.
Encompassing community development, organizing, planning, & social change, as well as globalisation, this book is grounded in participatory & empowerment practice. The 36 chapters assess practice, theory & research methods.
Table 4.2 Values and Ethical Principles for Community Practitioners Particular Values and Ethical Issues Critical for Community Practitioners Interdependence Empowerment practice Reciprocity Partnerships and mutuality in work Citizen ...
Participation in the original collaborative project has encouraged me to join other collaborative groups. Learner benefits 44. My students have benefitted from my involvement in our collaborative project. 45. Students in my organization ...
Ricketts, K. G., & Ladewig, H. (2008). A path analysis of community leadership within viable rural communities in Florida. Leadership, 4(2), 137–157. Rosenfeld, L. B., Richman, J. M., & Bowen, G. L. (2000). Social support networks and ...
A Guide to Managing Knowledge Etienne Wenger, Richard Arnold McDermott, William Snyder. Gulati, R. "Alliances and Networks." Strategic Management Journal ... Hackman, J. R. "Group Influences on individuals." In Handbook of Industrial ...
Singer, Peter. 2009. The Life You Can Save: Acting Now to End World Poverty. New York: Random House. Skinner, E. Benjamin. 2008. A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery. New York: Free Press. Sklar, Kathryn Kish.
From organizer to elected official. The Nation. Retrieved from http: / / www. thenation. com / article / organizer-elected—official Dreier, P. (2008b, September 15). Millennials could be key voters in swing states. The Nation.
These dimensions form various urban configurations which enable us to experience and practise community in diverse ways. As this book maintains, community is after all an urban practice, not a fixed state of affairs.
"Explores a variety of physical, mental, and lifestyle challenges faced by community populations, including homelessness, community health promotion, nutrition intervention, smoking trends among certain populations, mental health issues ...