In his conversational style, Anthony Zee examines the nature of gravity and its role in our universe. Zee starts from a birthday gift that Albert Einstein received on his seventy-sixth birthday that worked on the main principle in his theory of gravity. From there Zee leads the reader through the implications of Einstein's theory and its influence on modern physics. Einstein's Universe in a witty and accessible style also examines how the theory of gravity has shaped our understanding of how the universe began, the development of stars and galaxies, and the nature of space itself. The new Oxford edition will include a new afterword by the author that will bring the subject matter up to date.
Gott clearly enjoys his subject and his excitement and humor are contagious; this book is a delight to read.” —Publishers Weekly
The tremendous progress in astronomical observations over the past sixty years has revealed a vast structured universe whose fundamental parti cles are galaxies, and clusters thereof.
An updated edition of a classic of popular science. Leading science writer Nigel Calder, author of Magic Cosmos, wrote Einstein's Universe to mark the centenary of Einstein's birth in 1979.
Cosmic Reality, a book complete with captivating thought experiments, paradoxes, and analyses, introduces one of the most important works of the modern era, Einstein’s theory of relativity, and its implications while taking a completely ...
This is the first full biography of Albert Einstein since all of his papers have become available -- a fully realised portrait of this extraordinary human being, and great genius.
Lincoln Barnett, Albert Einstein. tug of gravitation. And any other inertial effect produced by a change of speed or a change of direction can equally well be ascribed to a changing or fiuctuating gravitational field.
This is an insightful examination of one of the essential problems of the history of science - how does elite, esoteric knowledge get read, used, modified, and owned by those outside the professional scientific community?
“Image in the Mirror, The” (Sayers), 13, 120, 144–49, 153, 190 “Incredible Elopement of Lord Peter Wimsey, The” (Sayers), 146 Internal Constitution of the Stars (Eddington), 178–80, 183–84 Invisible Man, The (Wells), 212n4 James, ...
What had he done to beat out those great men and women who made huge contributions to improve people's lives? This book will show you that Einstein deserved that honor.
This book is a brilliant gamol through the history of science and a fascinating glimpse of the physics of the future based around Einstein's revolutionary theory of gravity.