Table of contents
The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People Marc Gobe ... Marc and his partner, Joel Desgrippes, understood very clearly that packaging could actually serve to translate the meaning of the brand to the consumers every day, ...
Breathing Lessons
The authors of this insightful book are clearly among these few. I highly recommend this book." Gerald Zaltman, Harvard Business School "Who better than Hallmark understands the value of emotional connections?
Barry Feig shows how to make emotional appeal an integral part of any product and then expand this to the entire marketing process. The essence is to encourage the customer in the belief that the desire to feel special has been gratified
In EMOTION BY DESIGN, Hoffman shares lessons and stories on the power of creativity drawn from almost three decades of experience within Nike.
Emotions rule decision making. About Face shows you that by focussing on the three new Ps of passion, purpose and personality, your campaigns can become more effective and emotionally engaging, taking you closer to the consumer.
Many companies have not yet accepted that fact, much less acted on it. In this fully revised edition, Emotionomics will help you to understand emotions in terms of business opportunities - both in the marketplace and in the workplace.
The third section explores how different societes have sought to manage and manipulate the power of music. The book is valuable for those in the fields of music psychology and music education, as well as philosophy and musicology
Too many children and adults are suffering; they are ashamed of their feelings and emotionally unskilled, but they don’t have to be. Marc Brackett’s life mission is to reverse this course, and this book can show you how.