Told more as stories than history lessons, the biographies in American National Biography Supplement I recount the tales of all the different people who shaped America--leaders, composers, entertainers, entrepreneurs, writers, scientists, and outlaws. Each one written by an expert in the field and masterfully woven together to present the most accurate and up-to-date information, the entries bring forth a powerful narrative of America's past and some of the most important figures that went into its formation.
As the first in a series, ANB Supplement I extends the coverage from the original ANB to include notables who died prior to the end of 1999. This adds another four years of captivating history to the original 24-volume print edition's cutoff date of 1995.
Among the biographies in the Supplement are articles first published in the ANB Online. The result is hour after absorbing hour spent exploring the dance of Gene Kelly and the music of Ella Fitzgerald along with the lives of Revolutionary War General Peter Gansevoort and literary scholar Fredson Bowers, among many, many others.
With over 400 new listings, bibliographies after each entry, and a cumulative revised index of occupations and realms of renown, the Supplement continues the ANB tradition of bringing the people who have meant so much to this country to the forefront.
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
Study in Changing Rural - Urban Patterns ” ( M.A. thesis , St. Ellwood , a hardware merchant in De Kalb village , Louis Univ . , 1965 ) , are useful explorations of his views . decided that Glidden's fence held greater promise than ...
The volume will also feature a preface by the editors, an introductory essay by historian Cary D. Wintz, and 75 illustrations.
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
The Chill ( 1964 ) and The Far Side of the Dollar tective novelist , was born Kenneth Millar in Los Gat- ( 1965 ) received awards from the British Crime Writers os , California , the son of John Macdonald Millar , a Association ...
American National Biography: Hofstadter-Jepson
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
American National Biography: Dubuque-Fishbein
The African American National Biography presents history through a mosaic of the lives of thousands of individuals, illuminating the abiding influence of persons of African descent on the life of...