Collects the words of Americans from all walks of life, presenting more than five thousand entries in a browser-friendly, cross-referenced, and single-column format that encompasses more than five hundred topics.
"The words which are criticized as dirty in James Joyce's Ulysses] are old Saxon words known to almost all men, and, I venture, to many women, and are such words...
Provides coverage of literary and historical quotations.
Over 7,000 quotations arranged by subject for easy look-up. Nearly 600 subjects covered, from Memory and Humour to Television and Weddings.
... in the world of Aids affection A. beaming in one eye DICK 263 : 3 administrative a . won't LYNN 480 : 21 PERK 573 : 22 ... CHAU 207 : 12 afford a . it or no GAY 332 : 17 Adonis A. in loveliness HUNT 396 : 5 Sweet are the uses of a .
Mitchell, Joan (1926–92). Painter and printmaker. A skillful and passionate abstract painter, from the 1950s onward she resolutely sustained *abstract expressionism's gestural energy in the face of changing taste.
More than five thousand quotations, that range in time from Scott's Antarctic expedition in 1912 to the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001, are gathered in a comprehensive, updated resource that evokes a fascinating picture of the ...
The first spelling , he needed to be ” ( Forbes ) . which is more common , is preferred beDoubt whether is used primarily in cause it retains the name of the main affirmative statements ( again , though , ingredient ( though on this ...
Sometimes a good quote will do, such as "A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished" (Zsa Zsa Gabor). Or perhaps "Marriage has many pains,...
Contemporaries added to this edition include Beyoncé, Sandra Cisneros, James Comey, Drake, Louise Glück, LeBron James, Brett Kavanaugh, Lady Gaga, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Barack Obama, John Oliver, Nancy Pelosi, Vladimir Putin, Bernie Sanders ...
An author index gives quick and easy access to what is in the dictionary and provides information on each author." "The book will appeal to the general reader with an interest in who said what and when they said it.