The Supreme Court has continued to write constitutional history over the thirteen years since publication of the highly acclaimed first edition of The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court. Two new justices have joined the high court, more than 800 cases have been decided, and a good deal of new scholarship has appeared on many of the topics treated in the Companion. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist presided over the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton, and the Court as a whole played a decisive and controversial role in the outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Under Rehnquists's leadership, a bare majority of the justices have rewritten significant areas of the law dealing with federalism, sovereign immunity, and the commerce power.This new edition includes new entries on key cases and fully updated treatment of crucial areas of constitutional law, such as abortion, freedom of religion, school desegregation, freedom of speech, voting rights, military tribunals, and the rights of the accused. These developments make the second edition of this accessible and authoritative guide essential for judges, lawyers, academics, journalists, and anyone interested in the impact of the Court's decisions on American society.
This new edition includes new entries on key cases and fully updated treatment of desegregation, freedom of speech, voting rights, military tribunals, and the rights of the accused.
An introduction to the Supreme Court, using the device of alphabetically listing and explaining its decisions, justices, concepts, legal terms, practices, and issues.
Board of Education and Roe v. Wade. This new edition of the Guide contains more than 450 entries on major Supreme Court cases, including 53 new entries on the latest landmark rulings. Among the new entries are Bush v. Gore, Nixon v.
A landmark in legal publishing, The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court is a now classic text many of whose entries are regularly cited by scholars as the definitive statement...
Here is a volume that is as big and as varied as the nation it portrays.
This volume examines every major case the court has decided-from Marbury v. Madison to Brown v. Board of Education to Roe v.
Woodward. 4 Wheat. 518 (1819) Vote: 5–1 For the Court: Marshall Concurring: Story and Washington Dissenting: Duvall Not Participating: Todd the agreement with the king became an agreement with the state of New Hampshire.
The Oxford Handbook of the U.S. Constitution offers a comprehensive overview and introduction to the U.S. Constitution from the perspectives of history, political science, law, rights, and constitutional themes, while focusing on its ...
Sometimes the statutory crime would pushing their client to choose between outright simply adopt the common law ... mala probibita refers to certain crimes of Disrepute , " Northwestern University Law Review 82 modern origin that do not ...
Tyack, David. Law and the Shaping of Public Education, 1785–1954. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1987. ——— . Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995.