Recoge: Murder among nations -- How to talk about self-defense -- A theory of legitimate defense -- The six elements of legitimate defense -- Excusing international aggression -- Humanitarian intervention -- Preemptive and preventitive wars -- The collective dimension of war.
"This comprehensive new book titled "Defending Humanity (A Guide to International Law on Atrocities)" provides an in-depth examination of accountability and prevention of war crimes, genocide and human rights violations.
This book is the collaborative response of engaged scholars from diverse countries and disciplines who are disturbed by the contemporary resurgence of anti-democratic movements and regimes throughout the world.
Leon Kass writes profoundly about the limits of science and the limits of life, about what makes us human and gives us human dignity. Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity.
If we look at the passion of Phaedra for Hippolytus in Euripides' play, at the love of Paolo and Francesca in Dante's Inferno, at the love of Cathy and Heathcliffe in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, and at a pair of lovers in a ...
Re-enchanting Humanity: A Defense of the Human Spirit Against Antihumanism, Misanthropy, Mysticism, and Primitivism
In this volume, an international and interdisciplinary array of distinguished scholars breathes new life into these traditions for a world that needs them now more than ever.
Robert Kraynak and Glenn Tinder contend that the major challenge of our time is to recover a true and authentic understanding of human dignity and to defend it against threats...
Frank Pasquale argues that law and policy can avert this outcome and promote better ones: instead of replacing humans, technology can make our labor more valuable. Through regulation, we can ensure that AI promotes inclusive prosperity.
Ibid., 59 David Herbert Donald, Lincoln (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995), 165. Chapter Five Falling Backwards: The Abandonment of the Judeo-Christian Idea and the Return of Genocide and Slavery [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Aleksandr ...
... pushed back in pregnancy (now it is between 20 and24 weeks) asaresult of the increased technological sophistication of incubatorsand other devices and techniques, JusticeSandra Day O'Connor made thecomment in her dissentin Akron v.