The second edition of the African American National Biography has expanded this landmark scholarship from eight to twelve volumes.
African American National Biography
African American National Biography
This is an outstanding set that will be heavily consulted for many years to come."--"Outstanding reference sources 2000", American Libraries, May 2000. Comp. by the Reference Sources Committee, RUSA, ALA
In April 1859 he married Maria Manion of Philadelphia , and a few weeks later the couple sailed for Eastern Asia . They had eight children , some of whom remained in Japan while others returned to the United States .
"AIDS has made a huge impact on our society medically, socially, politically, legally, and psychologically.
Charles Hartshorne , John Cobb , Lewis Ford , Robert Neville , David Griffin , Schubert Ogden , Marjorie Suchocki , WHITEHEAD , John Boswell ( 18 Aug. 1872–16 Nov. Rita Brock , and Catherine Keller are a few of the many 1954 ) ...
1 ( 1963 ) , and John B. Boles , The Great Revival , 1787– Ohio , an umbrella organization that gathered several 1805 : The Origins of the Southern Evangelical Mind ( 1972 ) . colleges together into one structure : Mount St. Mary's ...
It is the final paradox of a long creative life that Thompson's apparently marginal position in the history of twentieth - century American music is belied by the enduring popularity of his widely performed and much - loved choral ...
The Chill ( 1964 ) and The Far Side of the Dollar tective novelist , was born Kenneth Millar in Los Gat- ( 1965 ) received awards from the British Crime Writers os , California , the son of John Macdonald Millar , a Association ...