From the Viking invasions to the Crusades to the Hundred Years War, wars were crucial agents of change in medieval Europe. They fostered many economic and political changes. They also affected the science, technology, religion, and culture of the parties involved. This two-volume encyclopedia examines all aspects of warfare and military technology in medieval times. Featuring the latest research from the leading experts in medieval military history, the set provides an exhaustive and accurate view of how and why wars were waged throughout Europe, the Byzantine Empire, and the Crusader States from circa 500 CE to circa 1500. Although many reference works have been published in medieval history, this is the first and only encyclopedia to focus exclusively on medieval warfare, offering unique insight into the subject by addressing developments in military technology across the period with articles on topics such as gunpowder and shields. The encyclopedia will appeal to scholars and readers of all levels interested in military history and in the medieval world.
... for the plate section was made considerably easier thanks to the advice and generous contributions of a number of people and institutions: I would particularly like to thank Oliver Creighton, James Lancaster, Jon Mann, the 'Anarchy?
Sean McGlynn, in this vivid, accessible, and authoritative study, explores the varied styles of leadership in medieval warfare.
This ebook is a selective guide designed to help scholars and students of Islamic studies find reliable sources of information by directing them to the best available scholarly materials in whatever form or format they appear from books, ...
Ross (1951): 10. Comnena (1969): 316–17. Davis (1989): 19. Ascherl (1989): 271. Ross (1951). L. White (1962): 1–38. ... See Mann (1957): 66–67 and Bruhn de Hoffmeyer (1972): 126–31. Oakeshott (1980): 44–47 and Contamine (1984): 135–36.
Most especially, I am grateful to William Chester Jordan of Princeton, who not only produced the most, and the best, scholarship on the Great Famine, but introduced me to Andrew Collings, who provided me with the best sort of research ...
'This is the first update of A Cumulative Bibliography of Medieval Military History and Technology, which appeared in 2002. It is meant to do two things: to present references to...
But her brother, with his shrewd political insight, now realized that Cleopatra as a foreign enemy was worth more ... The armed conflict was preceded by dramatic challenges which emphasize the personal nature of warfare at this epoch.
Boutruche, R., 'The Devastation of Rural Areas during the Hundred Years War and the Agricultural Recovery of France', The Recovery of France in the Fifteenth Century, ed. P. S. Lewis, trans. G. F. Martin (London, 1971), 23–59. Bradbury ...
Brown, M. (2008) Bannockburn: The Scottish Wars and the British Isles 1307–1323. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. DeVries, K. (1996) Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century. Woodbridge: Boydell.
41. robert Carneiro, “scale analysis as an instrument for the study of Cultural evolution,” Southwestern Journal of ... Local exchange and early State Development in Southwest Iran (ann arbor, Mi: Museum of anthropology occasional ...