Fresh and Practical Advice You Will Need Sound Scholarship You Can Trust All at a Price You Won't Believe Practically Speaking is a brief text that covers the essentials of public speaking without sacrificing student interest or sound scholarship. Using a conversational and edgy style, author Dan Rothwell gives practical advice and a fresh perspective on classic and contemporary theories and research. This essential guide provides students with a solid foundation in public speaking and then teaches them how to add their own voices to the conversation. Features * Each chapter follows the rules of good organizational logic presented in Chapter 7 * Unique and humorous examples, stories, quotations, photos, and cartoons; intense, dramatic, and poignant illustrations; vivid language and metaphors; and startling statistics and historical facts * Numerous pop-culture references and newsworthy events * More than 500 sources, both classic and contemporary * The "Communication Competence Model", carefully developed in Chapter 1, serves as the theoretical basis for all advice offered * A unique Chapter (9), "Skepticism: Becoming Critical Thinking Speakers and Listeners" * A separate chapter on speech anxiety * A full chapter on gaining and maintaining attention * Two full chapters on persuasive speaking that provide theoretical explanations for general and specific persuasive strategies
Widely praised for its conversational tone and clear advice, Practically Speaking is the public speaking textbook your students will actually read.
Accessible addition to the AAC series that offers practical, targeted tools for advancing the communicative competence of children who use AAC.
Practically Speaking
"For Australian and New Zealand actors to learn the Standard American Accent."--Provided by publisher.
This book takes readers on a guided tour of the logic leading to understanding God as a Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Bible (and in Christian experience) are all vital to the reality of salvation. All three save.
Practically Speaking: A Sourcebook for Instructional Consultants in Higher Education
Practically Speaking
Whether you want to ask your boss for a pay rise, chair meetings better, or deliver a faultless best-man speech, this book will teach you how to plan what to say, manage your anxieties and project your best self on the big day.
Simple, timeātested strategies that set you apart from other interviewees. This handy manual is a treasure trove of information that really works when put into practice.
It combines text with practical exercises and discussion questions to stimulate readers to think for themselves and to tackle specific problems.In Part One Clare Mar-Molinero discusses the position of Spanish as a world language, giving an ...